Pants, really good pants. And time well spent.

It’s a constant battle.  Is the internet good for you or bad for you?  Does it keep you from doing things or open new doors?  Does it suck you in or help set you free?  Does it give you community or keep you isolated?  Well, obviously, all of the above.  The choice is yours.  Steer your own ship.

What does that have to do with pants?  Good question.  In steering my own ship I’ve decided to use social media only in ways that, after being on them, make me feel that it was time well spent.  Did I learn something?  Did I come away feeling better?  Was the ten minutes of scrolling worth the opportunity cost of a bit more sleep, meditation, witty repartee with my husband or starting in on a new House of Cards?  If it wasn’t, then don’t repeat.  Sam Harris and Tristan Harris do a really excellent podcast on this:

So I use Instagram to explore beautiful places and people who are doing beautiful things.  I come away feeling like I’ve just escaped to some blissful, happy universe AND sometimes I find great new things.  Like …. you guessed it … PANTS!

These are outstanding.  Comfortable, stylish, sustainable, and full of beauty.  You will put them on and feel equal parts earthy free wild child and sexy goddess.  They arrive at your door with twine and a hand written note.  Love.  Thank you to whoever is out there dreaming these up and working hard to send them to us.