Music – The night my grandma moved on …

My grandmother was such a part of me.  She was a pillar of strength, quick witted and sarcastic, didn’t take an ounce of bullshit, loved a good tan, and cared deeply for her family and made sure they gathered close.  I cherish what I gained from her and every memory I have.

Before she died I flew across the country to introduce her to my Maddy.  We sat on her bed, she was so frail, which I’m sure was so hard for her to be seen as.  We stayed for the afternoon and then drove away, as we drove away she passed away.

This song by Mumford and Sons is one of the more beautiful  things I’ve heard and as I sing it in the car on the way to work or in the woods on my runs, I hope she hears it.  Interestingly, we used to sign off to each other “ybgm” and “ybgd” … your beloved grandma / your beloved granddaughter.  Isn’t life grand.  What magic.

xo J


Austere enthroned in white grandeur
But tired 
A shift
A whisper of where you sailed ahead
From your eyes
I’d never seen you unkempt before
As you whispered “Darling close the door”
Well how, have I not made a note of every word
You ever said
Time, is not on our side
But I pretend that it’s alright
She says the Lord has a plan
But admits it’s pretty hard to understand
Before you leave 
You must know you are beloved
And before you leave
Remember I was with you
Are you afraid?
How ever could you not be
In this rosy light
This is strange
I feel a hand come through the mirror
Pointing at the light
Pointing at the light we never see
As you put your feathered arms over me
Before you leave 
You must know you are beloved
And before you leave 
Remember I was with you
And as you leave
I won’t hold you back beloved
You sit
And talk the stars down from the sky
Down there
Forget the chaos in your eyes love
And as you leave 
You must know you are beloved
And as you leave 
I can see the wild has come for you
And as you leave 
I won’t hold you back beloved
And as you leave 
See my children playing at your feet