” … So I guess I’ll go home
Into the arms of the girl that I love
The only love I haven’t screwed up
She’s so hard to please
But she’s a forest fire
I do my best to meet her demands
Play at romance, we slow dance
In the living room, but all that a stranger would see
Is one girl swaying alone
Stroking her cheek
They say, “You’re a little much for me
You’re a liability
You’re a little much for me”
So they pull back, make other plans
I understand, I’m a liability …”
~ Lorde
I think, we all have people we are amongst each day that are “a little much” in one way or another.
I think, that most of us hold back a part of us that we worry is “a little much” for the rest of the world to bear or witness.
I wonder what would happen if we were to soften and welcome each other’s “a little much” and consider that it is part of their soul and fire? Consider where it comes from and why it exists and understand that, if freed, it can be used to do amazing things.
I wonder what we could accomplish and how we could feel if we fully stopped holding back each of our own “a little much’s”?
As we dance into Valentine’s Day, let’s change our perspective and try seeing that “a little much” as the most amazing part of your partner or child or friend or just that stranger in line with you or, gasp, of yourself.
There are so many things that I am “a little much” about, my husband could write a book, a long book. But instead, he embraces and loves and jumps enthusiastically on for the ride. This is so rare and so cherished and I have no idea what I’ve done to deserve it. Thank you Scott. I love you. Sorry peeps, if that’s a little much 😉