So there are some who believe we should not consume honey due to the dwindling population of bees. I have to confess, I haven’t taken the time to sift through the information to know the right answer. My current opinion is that there is a way we can consume and celebrate and also protect. If we appreciate and connect with things we are more likely to fight for them.
I’ve been smearing my face with honey for a few years now. Why? Well, it means I’m not smearing chemicals over my face or down my drain. It’s inexpensive and available anywhere you travel. It feels divine. There is something sensual and ritualistic about it which is important for self care and love.
I suggest a creamed honey as it’s a little easier to deal with. Wet your face a bit, wet your fingers a bit. Then scoop out about a tablespoon’s worth with two fingers and smear and massage away. I usually put in on before I shower, then take my time and rinse in the steamy shower eventually. I love any homemade, small batch, raw, local honey, it smells so so good. Don’t be scared to try a flavoured one. I once tried peach from a little stand in the Okanagan and fell in love!
Extra perk? If you happen to be sipping tea before your shower, lick your lips first and enjoy the sweetness
Give it a go this week.