Just one thing for the planet – Try cashew cheese.

Oh come on, just try it.

My kids did.

You may think my kids are all earthy and worldly and gobble up extravagant vegan dishes with glee, but I assure you, they do not.  Have you read the book French Kids Eat Everything?  Yeah, our house is the exact opposite of that.

But, they did eat the cheese.

So, I made the cheese and kept it fairly “pastey”.  I added just enough water to it in the NutriBullet so that it would blend nicely.  Then I put it in fridge to thicken a little.  My kids like a margherita type pizza with just a nice marinara sauce and basil and “cheese”.  (sidenote: thanks to the Angry Vegan in Penticton, BC for the intro to this!)  When ready, the cheese is just dollop-ed (yes, that’s a verb) around the pizza in spoonfuls.

However you could probably make this “cheese” runnier (really?  spellcheck is ok with that?) and then pour it over top of your veggie pizza.  But I haven’t tried this, so it’s not my fault if that sucks.


  • 4 handfuls of cashews
  • 3 tbsp lemon juice
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 tsp garlic powder
  • 3 tbsp nutritional yeast
  • salt and pepper
  • water added in very small increments.

This was adapted from: https://www.exceedinglyvegan.com/vegan-recipes/mains/vegan-pizza-cashew-cheese