Oh come on, just try it.
My kids did.
You may think my kids are all earthy and worldly and gobble up extravagant vegan dishes with glee, but I assure you, they do not. Have you read the book French Kids Eat Everything? Yeah, our house is the exact opposite of that.
But, they did eat the cheese.
So, I made the cheese and kept it fairly “pastey”. I added just enough water to it in the NutriBullet so that it would blend nicely. Then I put it in fridge to thicken a little. My kids like a margherita type pizza with just a nice marinara sauce and basil and “cheese”. (sidenote: thanks to the Angry Vegan in Penticton, BC for the intro to this!) When ready, the cheese is just dollop-ed (yes, that’s a verb) around the pizza in spoonfuls.
However you could probably make this “cheese” runnier (really? spellcheck is ok with that?) and then pour it over top of your veggie pizza. But I haven’t tried this, so it’s not my fault if that sucks.
- 4 handfuls of cashews
- 3 tbsp lemon juice
- 2 tbsp olive oil
- 1 tsp garlic powder
- 3 tbsp nutritional yeast
- salt and pepper
- water added in very small increments.
This was adapted from: https://www.exceedinglyvegan.com/vegan-recipes/mains/vegan-pizza-cashew-cheese