Hello, my name is Jenn and I like to get dusted.

Back from lake life!

Oh do I love me some summer; warmth, floating, sipping, lazying, reconnecting, slowing …..

Most summers this West Coast family returns back to their more Eastern roots and does an in-law tour so everyone can get a good dose of our children and vice-versa.  When the kids were younger this could sometimes turn out to be less than totally relaxing as different time zones, different beds, different routines, etc. could sometimes over tax the parenting ability of this gal.  However, as the years go on, as everyone gets used to bending and swaying and as I do more yoga and drink more tea, things get better and better.  Generations get to laugh and learn together.  I find myself overflowing with pride and gratitude.  We have beautiful families and are very lucky.

But, it is an interesting experiment to all of a sudden try to parachute in and intertwine one family into others.  The previously unconscious flow that you have to your day to day can all of a sudden stand in stark contradiction to what others might do.  This year the experience was made all the more interesting as we are trying our best to be mostly plant-based, or shall I say the dreaded “V” word: VEGAN!  There I said it, I aspire to be Vegan.  (While we are at it you should also know I occasionally listen to and often fully enjoy country music and the Bachelor is set to tape on my PVR.  My apologies, no one is perfect.)  It’s been a 2 year evolution for our family that was motivated by ethical, environmental, and health reasons.  It feels good and works for us in a big way. But it was interesting this year to see others respond to our new flow.  There was a lot of curiosity, some attempts at trying it for themselves, but there was also some confusion, some worry, and even hurt feelings.  Fascinating that food can be the source of all of this.

Imagine my mother’s surprise when her many “degree-d”, straight laced, physician daughter sidles up to the blender for breakfast and proceeds to dump in kale, beets, mango, almond butter, but then also tosses in some maca, cordyceps, spirulina, and schisandra berry, all the while sipping her lion’s mane coffee.  Ha!  That even makes me chuckle as I type!  And let’s be clear, I don’t blame her.  It is an everyday battle for me too.  I have been educated in the evidenced based, highly scientific, first do no harm, and oft litigious world.  So when someone asks me “so why do you put schisandra in your coffee?”, honestly, I stammer.  I do it because I’ve noticed a trend in what many other highly educated and accomplished people do.  Although I trust that they have done the research, I can’t say that I’ve done it for myself ( … yet).  I do it because it feels good; I have more energy, I am happier, I feel joy, and my family is thriving.  But I can’t show you the RCT on that.  There are others out there who can show you some evidence, for example:


However, truthfully, what exists out there in terms of evidence is, unfortunately, not enough for me to be able to recommend most of what I do to others in my professional practice.  But personally, it works for me; it seems to work for a whole tribe of others too.  And this is a tribe of people doing amazing things:




So, I dust.  Yes my friends, I’m vegan, I can listen to country, in the past week I’ve watched  the amazing documentary Given and also parts of the Bachelorette, and I dust as often as I can.  Enter Moonjuice:


Moon Juice – Organic + Wildcrafted Edible Radiance (Beauty Dust, 1.5 oz)

Moon Juice – Organic + Wildcrafted Edible Attraction (1.5 oz)

Moon Juice – Organic + Wildcrafted Edible Joy (Spirit Dust, 1.5 oz)

Moon Juice – Organic + Wildcrafted Edible Strength (Power Dust, 1.5 oz)

I have no evidence to prove what their dusts purport to do.  However, I’m down with anything that makes me feel joy, fuelled, sexy, and strong all at once.  So, if you want, get a little dusted yourself.  Start small.  But don’t be surprised if, before you know it, you find yourself barefoot, singing, and scantily clothed while juicing and dusting on a sunny Sunday morning.

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