Just one thing for wellness – Homemade Man-Cold Remedy

I had a horrid man-cold over the holidays. All I craved before bed was a warm lemony drink to soothe my head. However, reading the back of the package of what I’ve grabbed in the past, I couldn’t handle the thought of 20g of sugar and pseudoephedrine coursing through my veins as I tried to sleep.

So, what does one do? Head to the kitchen.

This is very basic, but it is so soothing and we often forget about it when we most need it.


Put about 2 cups of water in a pot on the stove.

Slice about an inch or so of ginger in fine medallions, same with about half a lemon.

Put these in the water, add a teaspoon or two of local honey and bring to boil, then simmer for 15mins.

Pour into a mug, you can keep the ginger and lemon in there or strain out.


Just one thing for wellness – Black Magic latte

My new addiction. Good for a night cap, or a gentle afternoon treat, or a snuggle with your pup, or while watching the kids at gym, or walking in the woods.

I don’t know if any of these ingredients do anything for you. But, my instincts are usually good. AND, I do know what they DON’T do … hurt you, hurt the planet, hurt anything else.

As always … try it … is it better than an afternoon caffeine jolt, alcohol before bed, a blob of something processed … could be!?! Plus, the companies are fairly rad.


Put into a small blender/NutriBullet:

2tbsp of SunPotion Tocos

2tbsp of BalckMagic Chaga Rootbeer Elixir

Enough hot water to fill a mug.

*optional dust at will … currently I do a little pine pollen and reishi. Why? ’cause it’s fun.

Blend briefly, pour into fave mug, sip.


Essential watching

The word “enough” bounced around my head for most of 2018. I adore how it is alluded to here (clip below). It is such a balance to be happy with enough but strive for better. How does one be gentle but also fierce? I don’t know, but I’m getting there. And I too believe that it is possible and it lies deep within all of us. Please listen to this.


Goodnight friends,

This year we gave to Greenpeace, opened the door to volunteering with them, we gave to the Latitude Project and the San Juan Del Sur day school.

We bought a home in Nicaragua and stumbled upon a community that fills the heart.

We wrote about injustice, endurance, drive, gratitude, intervals, intuition, motherhood, what it is to be shy and also the bright light. We covered going into battle in relationships, misogyny, marathons, and the dance that goes on inside of us.

Music was played often. Some was angsty, some was pop-y, all was groovy.

Plants were eaten and we learned how, one step at a time, we could do a little more good.

Thank you for coming along with me.

Can you imagine what 2019 will bring?

I hope as you lay your head on your pillow tonight you are at peace and fulfilled. If you aren’t, no big deal, there’s always tomorrow.

xo J

Enough – 1

What is it I want? What is it I need? Do I need to know?

Our world is expanding at an exponential pace. Do I need to see it all? Is it ok to just fully know my piece of it?

I am successful, very successful. Do I need to do better? What is better? Do I know? Do you know?

I have a career. Is it this right one? Is it fulfilling? Does it do enough good? Does it provide enough? Is it changing?

I am creative, I do new things. Should I work harder at this? Do people need to see this? Do I need to share this?

Are these the right questions? Have you asked them? What percentage of the world asks these questions? And if you look at the portion of the world that asks these questions and the portion that does not, who is the better?

If you are happy, in this moment, then that is enough. Can you be happy before you realize this?

If we push ourselves and face our fears and strive for excellence then great things happen. Or do they? Do they? At what cost? Cost for whom?

As 2018 comes to a close and 2019 opens I will continue to sit with you and ponder these things. I hope I will continue to bring you joyful moments, or just moments. I hope that something that is seen here makes a difference. My message, however, will continue to be that you don’t need here or anywhere else to find what it is you are looking for. You are enough. Your place here is enough. You hold greatness in you. There is no void, only a universe.