Don’t tell me not to.

There’s been a lot of talk about balance for the last few years.

Everyone is seeking that elusive “work-life” balance.  Everyone is recommending that others seek it too, if not demanding that they do.

I’m not sure there is any magic in balance.

I’ve never come home from a day where I sort of did good things at work for a bit, and sort of did a good job parenting and wife-ing, and took the dog for a short walk and had a so-so cup of tea after an easy 8k run and said, “wow, I fucking rocked it today!”.  Nope.

What days do you remember most?  Not those ones.

I’m not saying that those days aren’t beautiful and necessary and that we should live our lives in constant stress or urgency and that each day should involve at least one adrenaline rush.  But what I am saying is that stress and busy and extreme are not four letter words.  People who thrive on those things are not broken or misguided.  There is no need to look at them and “tsk”.  I would argue instead, that those people are healthy and thriving.  They are seeking their magic and often finding it.

There is a big difference between seeking episodic extremes and living in chronic low level stress.  Chronic low level stress, no matter how you find yourself in it, is crippling and stifles your ability to seek your extremes or weather the ones that life throws at you.  Many, many people are waging this war and it is an extremely difficult one to win, especially by yourself.  There are ways to win if you can find the ones that work for you and persevere.  Sadly, I don’t pretend to know the answers here but I tip my hat to you if this is the battle that you find yourself fighting.  Please don’t fight it on your own.

However, I also tip my hat to those out there who search out the stress or extremes.  This is ok too.  You may not understand why they do it or want to do it yourself, but please, do not tell them not to do it.  They have a different fire within them that needs this and that’s ok.  They likely have seasons in their life where they sit back and sip tea and cuddle on the couch, but in between those, they may push themselves hard, go to extremes, and just see what lies beyond them.  Let’s support that.

Let’s rethink “stress”.  Let’s even welcome it.  Let’s not use the words busy and stress and extreme in a negative way, let’s celebrate them.  They are often our choice after all.  If we are eating nourishing foods, sleeping, moving outside, sitting in stillness, and sipping tea then we are prepared for them.  We can embrace and relish when they come as it marks an opportunity to grow and learn and see something new on the other side.

Yes, you need to know when to hold back, you need to be able to see when your episodic stresses are starting to morph into one big chronic messy one.  But if you find yourself thriving on stress, wanting to push harder than others, then go ahead, go do it.  Don’t worry about balance.  Go find your magic.



Love this. Mary Oliver on her soul mate.

“Though you have known someone for more than forty years, though you have worked with them and lived with them, you do not know everything. I do not know everything — but a few things, which I will tell. M. had will and wit and probably too much empathy for others; she was quick in speech and she did not suffer fools. When you knew her she was unconditionally kind. But also, as our friend the Bishop Tom Shaw said at her memorial service, you had to be brave to get to know her.


She was style, and she was an old loneliness that nothing could quite wipe away; she was vastly knowledgeable about people, about books, about the mind’s emotions and the heart’s. She lived sometimes in a black box of memories and unanswerable questions, and then would come out and frolic — be feisty, and bold.”

Let’s connect.

I don’t pretend to know the secrets, but I’d be thrilled to try to figure them out together!

Do you have questions?

  • what Dust DO I buy?  how do I stay bright when the news is so dark?  i haven’t run in years, how do I even contemplate starting?

Do you have comments?

  • you said you listened to country – where are the links woman?!

Did you find something beautiful today and want to share it with us?

Did you just want to reach out and say “Hi”?

Have you been struggling?

  • i just can’t get on this plant train.  how the heck do i make kombucha?  i need some levity in this world, what book shall i read next?


I dare you to leave a comment you beast you.

Casper. No silly, not the friendly ghost.

Do you need a new mattress?

I’ve got one of those for you too!

This bed is so cool!!

Reasonably priced.

Arrives FAST.

My husband was like a kid in a candy shop putting it together!  I kept hearing “holy shit”, “you’ve got to be kidding me”, and “oh my god” from the bedroom in between sounds of school girl like giggling.  He couldn’t believe the detail that went into making it so easy to put together, without any tools or instructions!  And the unraveling of the mattress itself is mind blowing.

And, it is fabulous to sleep on.  That’s coming from a person who does not excel at sleeping soundly.  This bad boy rocks!!


(have you now figured out what helped me shake off that creep?)

(one more hint … well, two)


fixing up a car to drive in it again
searching for the water hoping for the rain
up and up, up and up
down upon the canvas, working meal to meal
waiting for a chance to pick your orange field
up and up, up and up
see a pearl form, a diamond in the rough
see a bird soaring high above the flood
it’s in your blood, it’s in your blood
underneath the storm an umbrella is saying
sitting with the poison takes away the pain
up and up, up and up it’s saying

we’re going to get it get it together right now
going to get it get it together somehow
going to get it get it together and flower
oh oh oh oh oh oh
we’re going to get it get it together I know
going to get it get it together and flow
going to get it get it together and go
up and up and up

lying in the gutter, aiming for the moon
trying to empty out the ocean with a spoon
up and up, up and up
how come people suffer how come people part?
how come people struggle how come people break your heart?
break your heart
yes I want to grow yes I want to feel
yes I want to know show me how to heal it up
heal it up
see the forest there in every seed
angels in the marble waiting to be freed
just need love just need love
when the going is rough saying

we’re going to get it get it together right now
going to get it get it together somehow
going to get it get it together and flower
oh oh oh oh oh oh
we’re going to get it get it together I know
going to get it get it together and flow
going to get it get it together and go
up and up and up

and you can say what is, or fight for it
close your mind or take a risk
you can say it’s mine and clench your fist
or see each sunrise as a gift

we’re going to get it get it together right now
going to get it get it together somehow
going to get it get it together and flower
oh oh oh oh oh oh
we’re going to get it get it together I know
going to get it get it together and flow
going to get it get it together and go
up and up and up

we’re going to get it get it together right now
going to get it get it together somehow
going to get it get it together and flower
oh oh oh oh oh oh
we’re going to get it get it together I know
going to get it get it together and flow
going to get it get it together and go

up and up and up

oh-oh oh, oh-oh oh oh oh oh

fixing up a car to drive in it again
when you’re in pain
when you think you’ve had enough
don’t ever give up
don’t ever give up




Bye, bye creep.

I’ve been “off my game” for the past couple weeks.

Easily distracted by life’s little gremlins.

No, I’m not referring to my children.

I’m talking about the subtle creep of, let’s call it, “things that don’t help”.  I can’t think of a better term right now.   It’s hard to capture in one word.  It’s the opposite of stillness and love and peace and joy and spirit.

I’m not quite sure how it happened.  Perhaps it was the start of September and all the change in routine that follows.  The darker days of Fall.  Working a little too much.  Maybe, running a little too much.  Maybe, it was just the natural ebb to life’s flow.  I did also happen to be running very low on dusts this past month ….  LOL!

The creep is subtle and cunning.  It starts with an espresso instead of a quiet tea.  A flip through your phone instead of opening your book.  Getting tied up in email while your dog sits un-walked beside you.  Then before you know it, you are watching the news, ranting about this or that, and fuming over an article on Facebook.  Nasty!

It is so easy to fall prey to the creep.  Our world is very good at fueling it.  And if you get yourself in the right frame of mind, it is all you see.  But that’s when you know it’s got you and, good news my friends, that’s when you have an alternative.

Choose to see good.  Choose love.  Shake it off and let yourself fly instead.

This is not the same as throwing your hands in the air or burying your head in the sand.  This is not “soft” or “weak” or “flighty” or “naïve”.  This is brave and strong and it takes practice.  I am by no means the queen of this (In fact, I’ve oft been a loyal servant to the kingdom of creep.)  But, more and more, I am certain this is what needs to happen.  I don’t think we should all just merrily dust away in our kitchens, singing and soaking goji berries while not being aware of what is going on the world.  But there is indeed a balance.  We can choose to sit in our kitchens and rant about the inanity of our public officials, wring our hands at the latest article that warns of crisis, scoff at choices others around us make, and complain about this and that and everything.  Or we can choose to see that, holy fuck, there are people out there doing amazing things.  There are people risking their lives to better the environment.  There are organizations who are giving water to people, who are working to improve our soil, who are clearing the ocean of plastic, who are teaching communities how to help themselves.  There are artists who see love and beauty everywhere they look, even if they are “just” looking at YOU, and they have the most wonderful way of sharing it with the rest of us.  There are people who outwardly look like they have nothing, who look you in the eye, smile, and wish you well.   Hell, I thought I had a pretty frickin’ cool idea with the goal for my blog here, but you know what?  About 100 other people are probably already trying to do the same thing!!  A-MAZE-ING!!

If you are going to flip through your phone or turn on the TV – you be the boss.  Kindly dismiss what doesn’t serve you; delete, block, unfollow, whatever.  And then go search out something that does.  And after that, get outside, crank some music, lie on the floor and read, put on a candle and sit in silence, expose your kids to something new, give something of yourself to someone else, receive something from someone you don’t know.  Don’t you dare let the creep get you because it doesn’t serve you which doesn’t serve us.  If you can shake it off you will do so much more.  You will search and actually see the good and you will chase it.  You will find yourself helping this world far more and loving every fucking minute of it.

Bye, bye creep.

Hello, beautiful.