Enough – 1
What is it I want? What is it I need? Do I need to know?
Our world is expanding at an exponential pace. Do I need to see it all? Is it ok to just fully know my piece of it?
I am successful, very successful. Do I need to do better? What is better? Do I know? Do you know?
I have a career. Is it this right one? Is it fulfilling? Does it do enough good? Does it provide enough? Is it changing?
I am creative, I do new things. Should I work harder at this? Do people need to see this? Do I need to share this?
Are these the right questions? Have you asked them? What percentage of the world asks these questions? And if you look at the portion of the world that asks these questions and the portion that does not, who is the better?
If you are happy, in this moment, then that is enough. Can you be happy before you realize this?
If we push ourselves and face our fears and strive for excellence then great things happen. Or do they? Do they? At what cost? Cost for whom?
As 2018 comes to a close and 2019 opens I will continue to sit with you and ponder these things. I hope I will continue to bring you joyful moments, or just moments. I hope that something that is seen here makes a difference. My message, however, will continue to be that you don’t need here or anywhere else to find what it is you are looking for. You are enough. Your place here is enough. You hold greatness in you. There is no void, only a universe.
Music – let’s go back.
Just one thing for wellness – GET THIS NOW!
Seriously, how many times do I have to say it?!!? Are you sick of hearing about it yet?
Twice a week I do 45mins of “Quick Flow” with either their Acoustic or Alt Beats playlists. I do intermediate 2 level. I had dabbled in Bikram Hot Yoga and Moksha for several years before so I had a good basic understanding of poses. Just if you are trying to figure out where to land in the App.
I have tried a bunch of fitness Apps but none of them ever stick as I’ve just never felt that workout quality was good enough. However, this App is frickin’ MAGIC!
I dare you to do 45mins of Flow and not feel like a goddess. I DOUBLE DARE YOU!
Music – The night my grandma moved on …
My grandmother was such a part of me. She was a pillar of strength, quick witted and sarcastic, didn’t take an ounce of bullshit, loved a good tan, and cared deeply for her family and made sure they gathered close. I cherish what I gained from her and every memory I have.
Before she died I flew across the country to introduce her to my Maddy. We sat on her bed, she was so frail, which I’m sure was so hard for her to be seen as. We stayed for the afternoon and then drove away, as we drove away she passed away.
This song by Mumford and Sons is one of the more beautiful things I’ve heard and as I sing it in the car on the way to work or in the woods on my runs, I hope she hears it. Interestingly, we used to sign off to each other “ybgm” and “ybgd” … your beloved grandma / your beloved granddaughter. Isn’t life grand. What magic.
xo J
But tired
A shift
A whisper of where you sailed ahead
From your eyes
I’d never seen you unkempt before
As you whispered “Darling close the door”
You ever said
Time, is not on our side
But I pretend that it’s alright
She says the Lord has a plan
But admits it’s pretty hard to understand
You must know you are beloved
And before you leave
Remember I was with you
How ever could you not be
In this rosy light
This is strange
I feel a hand come through the mirror
Pointing at the light
Pointing at the light we never see
As you put your feathered arms over me
You must know you are beloved
And before you leave
Remember I was with you
And as you leave
I won’t hold you back beloved
And talk the stars down from the sky
Down there
Forget the chaos in your eyes love
You must know you are beloved
And as you leave
I can see the wild has come for you
And as you leave
I won’t hold you back beloved
And as you leave
See my children playing at your feet
Just one thing for the planet – start simple.
If you like to cook, have the space to linger in the prep of a meal and its enjoyment, then cooking plant-based can be very very appealing. The making of a meal can start a whole day prior with the soaking of beans and nuts or the simmering of a homemade broth. For many reasons, I think we all need to get back to this way, but that’s a process. If that doesn’t appeal to you or you think you “can’t” then just start more simple.
Keep 4 things on hand:
- Quinoa (“keen-wa”)
- Sweet Potatoes
- Kale
- A dressing of choice
Quinoa is easy and readily available, just ask if you are shy! You cook it like rice. Of course you can use rice instead! But choose one that packs some nutritional punch like heirloom or wild or violet.
Sweet potatoes are just my addiction, you don’t have to, but WHY WOULDN’T YOU!? lol. I chop mine in 1/2″ rounds, brush them with coconut oil and then sprinkle with turmeric (again, WHY? ‘CAUSE I CAN!), then throw them in the oven at 390F for about 20-30mins. If you are feeling super fancy, which I often am obviously, you can grab some Laird Superfood Turmeric Creamer and stir it into your melted coconut oil and then brush those yummy orange seductresses with that. Ok, so I think you get the picture.
You can use any green but kale has a great texture. I go for the “black” variety as I like its taste most and it is WAY easier to clean.
Dressings. Another addiction. Here are some to try. Get yourself a NutriBullet , throw everything in and go wild.
OSG Lemon-Tahini Dressing:
- 1 large garlic clove
- 1/2 cup fresh lemon juice
- 1/4 cup tahini
- 3 to 4 tablespoons nutritional yeast, to taste
- 3 to 4 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil, to taste
- 1/2 teaspoon fine sea salt
- 1 garlic clove
- 1/4 cup raw almond butter (or roasted peanut butter)
- 2 tablespoons fresh lime juice
- 2 tablespoons low-sodium tamari
- 2 tablespoons water
- 1-2 teaspoons maple syrup (or other sweetener), to taste
- 1-2 teaspoons toasted sesame oil, to taste (optional)
- 1 teaspoon freshly grated ginger (optional)
• Leaves from two large bunches basil (about 2 cups)
• 1 cup raw almonds
• 1 tablespoon olive oil
• Juice of 1 medium lemon
• 1 teaspoon large grain Celtic sea salt
• Filtered water (add slowly until you get the consistency you want)
I also love the Minimalist Baker’s Queso sauce or Plantpower Way’s fettuccini alfredo sauce.
Anyhoo … so what is my point here?
Every week when you have some space, cook up a batch of quinoa and potatoes. That will take about 20-30mins. While they are cooking, make a dressing. Then keep some kale in your fridge.
NOW, when you need a quick meal, you’ve got options! Either chop the kale into fine ribbons and place it in the bottom of a bowl (and I mean 1-2 handfuls here folks, don’t be shy), then warm up and layer quinoa and sweet potatoes on top and douse them with your dressing of choice – OR – stir-fry up the kale with whatever veggies you have in the fridge (ideally a whole variety of wild mushrooms, this will take less than 5mins) and pop that on the quinoa and … douse away -OR- divide up your 4 fantastic ingredients into Tupperware, et voila!, lunches for the week!
Have fun and enjoy 🙂
Here’s what we helped with!
Here’s what we helped with!
The projects you’re helping to fund are located in Divisions Khulna and Chattogram in the districts of Jashore, Chattogram, Khulna, Cox’s Bazar, Chuadanga, Bagerhat, Satkhira, and Jhenaidah.
Bangladesh faces challenges of both water access and water quality. It is prone to flooding during the monsoon season and droughts during the dry season. Much of the rural population relies on groundwater, which, if not accessed and treated correctly, has a high risk of contamination. Arsenic, iron, and salinity are all common groundwater contaminants, particularly in Bangladesh’s shallow aquifers.
We saw this firsthand on a recent visit to Chattogram. Our team spent time in schools where more than 1,000 students drink from a single, shallow, untested tubewell. At these schools, students also lack access to adequate toilet facilities.
Working with the country’s largest NGO, BRAC, charity: water funds deep tube wells that provide water through school-based tap stands. In the coming year, we’ll partner with BRAC to construct an additional 250 piped systems that will bring clean, safe drinking water to more than 160,000 rural students.
In this commitment are 254 total school projects, including 197 school piped system tap stands and 57 school water point and sanitation facilities. So far, 39 waterpoint and sanitation facilities have been completed and 215 other projects are in progress. Additionally, 176 school Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) committees have been formed and oriented while 76 are in progress. 56 out of 254 Operations & Maintenance caretakers have been formally trained.
Access to clean water is a catalyst for nutrition, gender equality, education, and economic growth. Thank you for partnering with us to change the lives of people in Bangladesh!

What’s next?
As soon as projects are complete, we’ll collect GPS coordinates, photos, and other details about each community to show you the impact you’ve made in Bangladesh.
Podcast – more essential listening.
Swell 9 – Let’s give the gift of a dreamscape.
Tomorrow is December 1st. The season is beginning. Gathering, reminiscing, reflecting, giving … these are all top of mind. A month ago I was in Nicaragua. When I am there there is a different energy that flows through me. Yes, I’m on vacation. Yes, I am in a tropical paradise. But I am fundamentally still me and it floors me how different “me” can feel there. Essentially, Nicaragua allows me to fully relax into me. That may make no sense to you, unless you are reading this from Nicaragua, then you know exactly what I’m talking about.
One of the best days we had in SJDS this time was the day we visited the San Juan Del Sur Day School. We went because a few of our friends had kids that went there and they were putting on their end of semester show. We drove up a long winding path through the jungle that was dotted with various barns and pastures with creatures in them and that ultimately opened up onto an expansive plateau with gardens and simple school buildings and all the handmade, traditional, perfect, school playground equipment you could imagine. We then watched each grade present their skit. The kids were of every age and background, from just about every continent, and the messages were beautiful. They had spent the semester understanding who they were. Imagine if more of our children started their educational journey with first understanding who they were? And in doing so, had their eyes opened to who their neighbours were. And in doing so, learned how wonderfully awesome each of us are.
The school has a scholarship program.
Nicaragua is full of the most wonderful people I’ve ever met. Many of these people don’t get the opportunity at traditional education. They do very well despite this, oh boy do they ever, but the country is struggling to rise out of poverty and start to put their hands around things that we take for granted every day: potable water, reliable electricity, medical care, democracy, the ability to dream and chase it. Education, done right, is fundamental to coming up on top in this struggle because it provides perspective, nourishes tolerance, and builds self confidence.
I can assure you, even from my limited exposure, that SJDS Day School does it right.
The school offers opportunities to Nicaraguan children to be funded to attend class along side the children from all over the globe as peers. 1000$ allows a child access to this new world.
I am so grateful for the gift Nicaragua has given me. To me it’s like walking into a dreamscape where I am fully me and the more me that I am the more vibrant the colours become and there’s a warm wind the blows that gently welcomes me to dream a little bigger and chase a little harder. I want to give this to someone else.
So, will you join me? Will you help donate to sponsor a child to walk onto this idyllic plateau and start to dream big in full colour? How many children can we all work together to sponsor? I can collect all our funds and forward them to the school and then, with the school and child’s permission, I could post updates here as the year goes on. We can watch the dream unfold.
If interested, post here or email me using the email on this site’s “contact” page. Thank you for considering. Here’s the school’s link: